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Towerverse Lore Dump 4: History of Humanity and Earth

Posted by Goasty - July 20th, 2024

Before any single celled life came onto the Earth, the planet was a battleground for many other extra universal entities to call the new universe their own. The fighting was between Cthulhu and his Brother Hastur, the Great Race of Yith, Mekhans Army, Skay’rs Children, and Elder Things on the planet. The fighting continued for vigintillions of years before all sides lost interest. Hastur moved and fell asleep inside of Jupiter, Cthulhu created the dimensional city of R’yleh and laid their dreaming, waiting for the stars to align so he may exit his slumber. Mekhan and Skay’rs followers left to fight somewhere else, the Great Race returned to the Stars and the Elder Things colonized Antarctica, only for their race to nearly be wiped out by giving sentience to their machines: the Shoggoths.

 Humanity was first created by Elohim as an experiment to see if he could create an army of psychics to fill in the huge power vaccumm of gods. So he did so: creating Adam and Eve, the strongest ever human psychics. There he created the Garden of Eden as a home for them and their children to live in as immortal superbeings. However, Lucifer caught wind of this and transformed into a snake. He convinced Eve to partake of the Fig of Knowledge and for her to convince Adam to do so. Adam and Eve did so, which caused them to be ejected from the Garden by God for breaking one of his few rules in the garden. Elohim saw his project a failure and moved on, leaving Adam and Eve to walk the world and eventually raise their two sons: Cain and Abel. After awhile, Cain and Abel wanted to regain favor of God, hoping to see if all of them could get into the Garden of Eden. God looked at this and gave them a challenge: Cain would sacrifice his flock of sheep while Abel would sacrifice the ripen fruit ever summer and in return, good things will happen to them. However, Nyarlathotep, an Agent of Chaos, saw this as an opportunity and began to cause havoc to Cain to see what would happen. Cain would overtime see his sheep becoming sick and weak, and eventually die off before God could see, all the while, Abels orchard grew and grew, leading to jealousy. In a fit of rage, Cain led Abel to the deep parts of the forest and killed him, hoping God did not see. Unlucky for him, God saw it and cursed him to never die. During this time, first generation humanity began to notice that their creator was trying to manipulate them, so with their knowledge and psychic might, they created the Tower of Babel: a tower to which can open the dimensional walls and allow them to invade Heaven. Elohim, not knowing how capable humanity could be, warped their language: without a means of accessing Babel, humanity scattered. Babel was later taken by Satan and given to Lucifer in Hell. First generation humanity was killed by the Great Flood with Noah being the only survivor due to Yog Sothoths intervention. Lucifer attempted to corrupt humanity even more by creating the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yog Sothoth, not wanting humanity to be bothered, ordered Athens to burn the cities to the ground alongside the sin and wickedness they had lingering. 

Elohim tried one last time to bring back his creations into his fray so he created a new psychic: the Man of Nazareth. He gave MoN to Mary for her to raise. MoN was suppose to control all of humanity via his huge psychic might. But Yog Sothoth stepped in and began to teach him of a different way. Overtime MoN, alongside the teachings of Yog Sothoth, went across the land and began to teach others. This caught the eye of Elohim; seeing that his project again was a failure, he manipulated events so MoN would be betrayed by Judas and was sent to be crucified. The Spear of Longinus, which was an enchanted piece of blade given by God, pierced Jesus, shattering his conceptual being. Yog Sothoth seeing this, ordered Quint to prepare a means of preserving the good portions of him: the human portions of him: Quint did so and rebirthed them into people who would possess qualities of Jesus. Without the human portions of MoN, God reshaped what he got into the Lamb of God, the messenger of the Apocalypse. 

Over the course of time, Humanity advanced at a social and technological scale at a fast pace. This caught the attention of alien races who began to hide on the planet. This, alongside the anomalous creatures and events led to many governments making agencies and societies dedicated to the study and or worship of said anomalies.

  • Department of Anomalous Materials (Created during the 1900’s. Responsible for the termination of anything anomalous.).
  • Cthulhu Cult (A global organization responsible for the worship and resurrection of their lord Cthulhu.).
  • Room 6 (Soviet/Russian organization similar to the DoAM.).
  • British Society of Oddity (A group of scientists created in 1922 who see to reverse engineering machines from aliens and extra dimensional entities for the betterment of humanity.).
  • Armee des Geistes (Created in 1935 by Adolf Hitler himself, Armee des Geistes was responsible for the experimentation and modification of humanity, attempting to turn man into the Ubermensch the Reich wanted. This led them into committing the worse crimes in the war. They were subsequently destroyed in 1944 by a ‘multi winged Phoenix’.)

During the first half of the 21st century, the Psychic phenomenon became more and more unstable. This is due to the ‘Psychic Bubble’ being popped: the idea given by the ESP Theorist Herschel Gurke. The theory states that the psychic population will rise overtime alongside the normal human population with a 1:10 ratio (1 psychic to every 10 normal people.).The population psychics rising is possibly due to the amount of Wounds on the Earth ‘radiating’ kids with psychic powers. The sheer amount of unknown psychics caused governments around the world to do things to which broke human rights of privacy, right to trial and restrictions out of paranoia (The U.S. would reveal the DoAM to the greater public in 2016, and from 2017 to 2025, would create acts and contingencies to deal with psychics known as Project MK-Omega and MK-Epsilon. China would lockdown all of their cities and effectively become a completely shut off from the world. European countries would go separate ways, ruining the Confederation and with it, any unified response against actual psychic threats.). The only safe place for psychics was Stonehenge where Kirith, the God of Boundaries and his 12 Knights stood: Anything that attempted to get near them were anihilated from reality. But one day, the Knights and Kirith disappeared; this was only a sign of things to come. 

All of a sudden, the Chaos Wars begun without any warning.

Psychics were small population wise, but had powers that could destroy planets with sheer thoughts. This war ended with the non-psychic humans winning. The Chaos Wars resulted in 25% of the human population within the Milky Way galaxy to perish, Psychics to be placed under constant surveillance after birth and even historical deletion of the event: not many records exist, and the ones that exist contradict one another. First hand accounts are also unreliable as any eyewitness story, even to frontline troops, do not correlate to one another.

Things did not look good for humanity even after the Chaos War. A plague of unknown origin ravaged the galaxy: making 50% of all living human infertile with no way of curing. Then one day, Earth disappeared. Some say the planet strayed off its orbit others believed in alien influence. This led to Mars, led by the mysterious Emperor Kel to rule and influence the rest of humanity to his choosing. Kel being guided by his master Mekhan, began to make humans suffer through constant industrial dangers and acts of war. His plan was to make humans suffer so much that they would have to become machines and in turn ‘progress’ closer to his master. 



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